Taking Control
Posted by , 24 July 2018, inI’ve been testing and building Zombie Jack for a long time with only single-player capabilities. That’s nuts! You can’t build a couch-party game with no multiplayer. So this week I’ve put the task together to build a new input management script to support multiple controllers and players. I can’t tell you how excited I am to get the alpha done and play-test it with all my friends.
My workspace is covered with various controllers as I test for the best configurations. I’m aiming for simplicity. If I can get away with just 2 buttons and a stick, I will!
Another feature I’ve been working on is the ability for players to jump in at any time and join the fun. Picture this. You’re at your mate’s place. Bob is late. Bob is always late. Gosh, darn it, Bob! Why can’t you get your life in order? You don’t want to wait. You want to start playing and have a good time now. So you start playing and then Bob walks in the door. Not a problem! Bob plugs his controller in, hits ‘A’, and joins right in! Nice one Bob.